Sunday, December 30, 2007
Home Sweet Home.
Home never felt as good as this.
And I'm proud to say that I love sunny Malaysia. Winter's just not for me. I was freezing there eventhough it wasn't snowing. Duh. Shanghai doesn't snow. Well, I was not just in Shanghai for the whole 8 days. We toured around a few cities. Did a lot of checking in and out of hotels/motels/inn. We had to shift hotels practically every single night so by now, I am already a pro in packing my luggage. Hehe.. More about the detailed trip later because I need to sort out the photos and refresh my memory about where we went and what we did there.
For now, let's just say I'm contented with our weather. While I was there, bathing was seen as such a dread because I would shiver each time I finished showering. Sooo torturing :(
My dad just said something bimbotic. He said he can now go naked in the house. See? Proves my point. I think everyone in the family can't stand the weather there.
Talking about bimbotic, I think the cold temperature did some damage to my brain, freezing it perhaps, because I had so many bimbo moments while I was there. So many till my sisters had to write it down so that they could blog about it. It's better that I type it now rather than them typing it later and 'adding salt and vinegar' to the bimbo moments. Bimbo stories shall be in another post as well :)
My dad being the only man in the family is easily influenced by his daughters. When my mom did something bimbo, he actually said "so bimbooo" to us and that cracked us up. The tone which he used to say it was priceless. So 'chi ku ku' (gay) [New word learnt from there! Hahaa..It's some Wuxi language.]
Okay, dinner time now. Super hungry because didn't take lunch. Out for Malaysian food. Hokkien mee, I think.
Bye :)
Oh ya, my skin's starting to peel off. Looks like some snake skin. Eeew :(
Besides that, I have to go to work tomorrow when the family will still be in bed :( :(
Edited: I just found out yesterday from my sisters that chi ku ku isn't gay but chicken. I have no idea how I ended up listening to it as gay. Guess I was half asleep and wasn't paying much attention. Oh well...
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Changi Airport.
I've always wanted to do this. Guess where am I now?
Hehehe..The plane just landed not long ago. Nah, still not at Shanghai yet. We stopped over at Singapore so here I am at the Changi Airport blogging. How cool is that? Heh.
I've always wondered how do all those people blog when they're already travelling, and how come they got nothing better to do. But look who's talking now. I really got nothing better to do because we're waiting for our next flight which will take off at 1.50a.m. =)
Super excited cos I saw a lot of ang mohs just now! Heheh. Good for relieving stress I tell you. Great feasting for the eyes. Hahaha.
Alright, shall stop crapping. Just wanna let you all know the plane landed safely so I'm still in one whole piece.
Till then, a Blessed Christmas to all my readers. Will blog really soon with lots of pictures, hopefully! =) Take care...
Friday, December 21, 2007
Patches of Sweat Dreams.
I don't mean it in a dirty and obscene way, you pervs. What I meant was the dance event titled 'Patches of Dreams' which was held at KLPac. The moment I entered the room, I had goosebumps because the setting was really dim. [Expected it to be in a bigger room though]
I then mentioned to FuHun that I'm quite scared.
What if the dancers appear from the side lane and start frightening you?
HAHAHAHA. Omg, don't be lame, Florence...
No, I'm serious..You know how Maori dancers can be so scary...
We continued chatting and wondered about how were they gonna dance for 2 and a half hours. I said that they're prolly gonna use 1 whole eight count to move an inch.
The show then started in the room with the lights completely turned off making it pitch dark. Suddenly, we see all these dancers dressed in a black attire with scary make up. True enough, their movements were really slow. One dancer then walked slowly towards centre stage and just gave us an emotionless stare for about a minute. All of a sudden, she scared everyone saying 'owwww areee youuuuuu...' in a really scary tone and expression, flapping her arms in a chicken wing kinda way then ran back to the side. I swear it was scary because after that FuHun was also afraid already. Hahaha.
Yeah, so that was the only moment which captured my attention because I could not interpret the rest of the dance. There was also two short films after the dancers performed. The contemporary moves were just too 'contemp' for me to understand. Seriously, if you watched it, you'll go all 'huh' and 'whattt'?! And no, I wasn't the only one who didn't understand it. The entire group of us from Charm who went did not understand as well.
The genius me decided to question my beloved captain, CheeWei, about what it all meant since he's affliated with the dance troupe. He gave me the mostest geniusest answer.
Whatever you interpreted it as is what it means. =_=" [Trust me, I NEVER posted a post with that sweat emoticon before. But this was how 'sweat' my look was when he answered me.]
Later, he said that we can actually laugh at them if we thought that the moves were weird or funny. He said it would not be insulting to them, which I thought it was, at first. And that was why I had such a hard time holding back my laughter. If only he had told me earlier, I wouldn't have suffered so much!
On another note, I have found a part-time job, thanks to a church member. What do I do? I don't really know what position I'm holding actually. It's a car shop which does spoilers and what not located at USJ19. Basically, I'm supposed to do some basic accounting (and I've got no accounting background!) such as keying in data from invoices, filing, issuing cheques (!), kao tim the worker's salary slip (and even the boss's maid's salary!).
The only advantage I can think of about this job is that it's super near and I can save lunch money because I get to go home for lunch =)
Other than that, my working place is so small and squeezy, noisy and filthy!
The lady I'm taking over is gonna be on maternity leave soon. I just didn't expect it to be THAT soon. I just had 2 days of training from her. After that, I'm on my own! Argh.
On a more unrelated note, I wanted to end this post with my sister & I singing to 'O Holy Night' with the accompaniment of my guitar just to get into the Christmas mood since we no longer practise the tradition of giving presents to each other since eons ago. Sad to say, the plan didn't work out because she doesn't wanna join me in embarrassing ourselves. But I know many of you have just breathed a sigh of relief and thanked God I didn't do it. Hehehe.
I will be back. =)
Monday, December 17, 2007
I'm so nice.
I bet if I were to say I'm about to delete my blog like some people who just say it for the sake of getting more comments saying 'nooooo, don't you dare delete your blog..', nobody's gonna even care about me deleting this blog. That's what you all are.
Nevertheless, I shall not be such a pain in the arse because you know I still layan you all whenever an update is requested. So, Zero Zero, better appreciate.
Righttt. So last Saturday, we had a small Christmas party at my home. Instead of serving turkey/stuffing/cranberry sauce, we served spaghetti, fried chicken and sushi. Made by my sister and I. The sushi, I mean.
Those on the left look yummier right?
Made by me. Once again, I forbid you to laugh.
FionaDeAnnoying challenged me to see who's creation will be gone the fastest. As you can see, she did lesser and obviously hers ended up being gobbled the fastest by the guests. Thus, I can conclude that it's not a fair challenge. Anyway, guests were happy and praised the creation so everyone's a happy soul.
On another note, I can't wait to go to China! =) Will be flying off this Saturday via Singapore Airlines. Talking about this trip, it reminded me of a convo with MarcusDeCharmMan during our cheer practice.
How come you're not involved in any of the performances?
Because I won't be around.
Where are you going?
Where laa???
CHINA?? Why China? I mean, since you're already so cheena yourself.
Ya la, going back hometown what.
AHAHAHA. Don't lie la, you can't even speak Chinese.
Well well, what can I say? Everybody say hello to my himbo friend, MarcusDeHimbo.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Not so pointless.
The only thing which is interesting now is cheerleading. Yeah, finally back to practices and trying to cope up with them peeps as much as I can. ChengChoo has been a great encouragement when she said I did well during one of the practices. By that, she prolly meant I gave my best during stunting. Cos I still can't get a grasp of the stunt yet :(
Still, I'm loving cheer very very much especially the times after practices when we are so tired yet we still have sooo much energy laughing at each other's idiotic impersonation of Britney's 'Gimme More' during our McD's session.
Argh! My neighbour's killing me with her Chinese flute or whatever instrument she's playing. Don't get me wrong, it is in fact quite melodious but it tends to get so irritating. I know it's not only me feeling this way because my siblings also complain the same way. Especially when I was revising during the exam season, oh gosh, you cannot imagine how many prayers were sent to heaven to plead that the music be stopped immediately.
I don't think it's karma getting back at me because when I practise my guitar, I'll get into my room and shut the door to not annoy the crap out of them.
This post is actually quite pointless, really. But come to think of it, most posts of mine are pointless. Sorry cos I don't talk about politics and important issues like how we can achieve world peace.
Well, okay lah, actually there's a purpose to this post. For everybody's who has been waiting for my picture *coughpersonanongrata* goes!!!
I know you expected to see more than one picture because I don't know why but most of you seem to think that I like camwhoring a lot but in actual fact, I don't. :)
P.S: To Sarah, please recover faster so I can find someone to pick on to fight with and train my cheer muscles and voice.
P.P.S: Hallelujah! The music's finally stopped. Prayer has been answered :)
Monday, December 10, 2007
Of haircut and blonde moments.
I think it's because I haven't been reading my books, thus making less use of my brains. The brain refuses to function normally when I wish to blog. Somehow, words and ideas keep flashing across my mind about what to blog but then when I'm about to start typing something, I'll forget what I wanted to say. See, it just happened right after I finished that sentence! I think I'm suffering from some short-term memory illness.
Crap aside, let's talk about something more meaningful. Like how I've gotten my new haircut at A Cut Above. Oh wait, I actually meant the A Cut Above Academy. I decided to change my hairstyle due to my kiasuism because I had a voucher which stated Cut, Wash, Blowdry & Highlight for only RM45! Yeah, freaking cheap. How could I have let that go to waste?
Prove of kiasuism: The voucher was supposed to expire on the 3rd of Dec, which was the day my exams ended. So, it was definitely impossible for me to rush and get my hair done. Besides, the voucher stated that it's only valid after I've made an appointment and the latest time they'll entertain you is at 4pm. And my exam ended at 5pm.
However, my kiasuism would not give up and continued kicking me persistently. So I made mum help me call them (cos I was too big of a chicken) to ask if the expiry date could be extended and they said yes! :)
Went to Pyramid the next day with Amanda, WeiKit and Zhang Ziyi. They were so nice to accompany me and waste their time watching me
I was so blur, I didn't know that I was going to the academy and not the actual salon. Oh the horror. The thought of you being the guinea pig makes you think twice whether you are really willing to let your head be managed by a
So there we were, standing in front of that door, thinking for the gazillionth time if I should really enter. (It was like my friends were being nervous for me as well, it's so funny)
Me: So how? Really wanna go in?
Zhang Ziyi: The door is locked.
Me: Huh? So how???
We noticed a bunting nearby with the telephone number of the academy so I rang them. (This time mummy wasn't around to help me call)
Me: Hey, may I know where are you guys situated at? (Just to confirm we're at the right place)
ACA: Um, we're so and so here...(stating the correct place)
Me: Oh, so how do you enter? I'm outside.
ACA: Outside where?
Me: Err, outside your academy? How do I enter?
ACA: Uhm, you push the door?
OMG! Babi Zhang Ziyi caused me so much embarassment, making me sound like a bimbo.
The door could be pushed with so much ease. Anyway, we cracked up laughing so I guess my moment of bimboness was QUITE worth it.
I can go on and on about my 'adventure' in the academy but I guess I'll just stop here. I'm afraid I might kill you with my dumb blonde moments. Oh, one more thing, I felt more masculine than my hairstylist. He was so feminine and gentle! My butt ached after sitting on the chair for 2 and a half hours, trying my best not to move an inch so that he will not lose his concentration. My friends made a sarcastic remark about how he would take 3 seconds to think before snipping my hair off. Lol.
Overall, I would say that their service was quite impeccable. As for the turnout of my hairdo? I'm quite satisfied with it. My satisfaction boosted when my older sister AND mother decided to copy my hairstyle after seeing mine. HAHAHA. It's quite flattering in a way, but annoying at the same time.
Imagine walking with your family and getting funny stares from strangers because the whole family has a similar hairstyle. Like it's some code to be part of the family. Wth.
That'll pretty much sum up this post for the day. Hoping to see pictures of my haircut? (C'mon, admit it. You know you want to. Hahaha) Well, I'm sorry to tell you that you will have to come back again because I haven't camwhored yet. Hehehe.
P.S I'm looking for a part-time job with a good pay. Anybody got anyone/any place to recommend? :)
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Tagged Part II
WARNING: Loads of camwhoring pictures ahead. This blogger will not be held responsible for any cause of eye sores.
The most recent picture of you:
When was this taken?
Erm, a day before STPM. Lol. Attended a wedding dinner.
Who took it?
Fiona De Annoying.
A picture of you making a peace sign:

Is this picture in color?
Are your nails painted in the picture?
I don't think so. Can't see it being painted. Unless I coated it with transparent nail polish.
A picture of you with friends:

Bao Yen, Jess, XinMin, Cass, LeyYeem, Zhang Ziyi.
A picture of you in a weird/random place:

Where were you?
FRIM. It's taken at a weird spot, to me.
Who took the picture?
Forgot. Too busy posing.
A picture of you in black and white:
Don't have. My world is too colourful.
Did you edit this picture to black and white or did you take it like that?
Next question.
Do you like black and white or color pictures better?
A picture of you with your hair up:
Do you like your hair up?
Not really I think. It was so difficult finding a decent picture of me with my hair up.
Is it in a ponytail, pigtails, etc.?
Ponytail. Stupid question. Like as if you can't see from the picture.
A picture of you with a WEIRD face:
Is your face more funny or just straight up scary?
None. More monkey.
A picture of you wearing a black colored shirt:
A picture of you wearing a green colored shirt:
Believe it or not, I can't find any picture of me wearing green.
A picture of you with your halloween costume:
I don't celebrate Halloween.
A picture of you with your mouth open:
Why is your mouth open?
Monday, December 03, 2007
End of the battle.
OMG can't believe STPM is finally over. Like seriously finally. After all the trials and whatnot. It feels so good blogging again. A proper post. The blogger in me has resurrected. *hears angels chiming Hallelujah*
This one and a half years in Seafield was definitely an experience to me. I wouldn't say that I regretted going for Form Six, nor would I say that I enjoyed it a lot.
I shall now give you 10 good reasons why you should and should not take up Form Six, if you're given a choice by your parents, that is. Cos I wasn't given a choice and that's how I landed up in Seafield.
Top 10 Reasons Why You Should NOT Opt For Form Six:
10. You will still be wearing school uniform, with a different design.
9. You will get ridiculed by your friends in college who thinks they're so much more 'grown up' than you. Eg. Calling you a school kid.
8. You will have to taste the sucky canteen food everyday.
7. You get to smell the wonderful aroma of the school's toilet. Mmm-mm.
6. Your teachers still treat you as if you're in Standard 3. Eg. Pinching you for not completing your homework. I kena once okay it's not funny.
5. You will feel like an aunty/uncle compared to the younger students.
4. You have to wake up at 6am every morning.
3. You have to sing the school song.
2. You have to sing Negaraku and read the Rukun Negara.
And the Number ONE reason...
You will definitely suffer if you're a lazy bum and an easily distracted person like me. It's a torture chamber!
So there you have it. Top 10 reasons why you should not choose Form Six.
Now for the Top 10 reasons why you should consider going for Form Six.
10. You'll make an absolutely good son/daughter by helping your parents save money.
Yeah, so actually I can only think of one reason why you should choose Form Six.
Nah, just kidding. Anyway, to those who are younger and still contemplating to go Form Six or not, you better think twice. Lol.
Now that it's finally over. I feel so free...
Like I can stare at the wall without feeling that I've wasted my time not studying. Or I can twirl my hair for the whole day till I go bald. Or I can even start counting the hairs on my legs. HAHAHA. I'm loving this feeling. It's so relieving, as though you just woke up from a horrible nightmare, or you've been constipated for a very long time and the shit finally decided to come out. You get the drift. Ahhhhh.
On another note, after seeing my sister getting a new handphone, my butt started to itch and I decided that I need a new phone too. Unfortunately, the only thing which is holding me back from getting it is obviously due to financial reasons =(
Any kind soul out there who's willing to donate to the 'Heal Florence's Misery Fund'? Hehe.
WOOHOO. Imma start doing all the nonsensical stuffs mentioned above. Just cause I can. Haha.