Friday, July 25, 2008

Lack of creativity.

I just added this feature to my blog. I don't know if I should categorize it as cool or not. is trying out something new called the YouthSays Broadcast Badge.

It helps you to earn more money when your friends click on the site and sign up. A few specific words will be automatically highlighted hence leading your friends to click on it.

I'm gonna try an example by compiling a couple of sentences together using their tagged words.

Nowadays, the youths in the Malaysian community who feel sad and lonely will turn to the various types of social-networking sites such as Friendster, Myspace and Facebook to increase the number of contacts so that in future they will have more yumcha kakis. This will contribute to many of the mamak shops' profit. As a result, the mamak boss will have no choice but to give the workers an increment. The workers will then feel touched by their boss's care towards them thus raising their voice to promote their specialties each time a customer walks in.

The sentence was totally irrelevant but do you get my point? Each time I type any of those tagged words, it will automatically be highlighted like as if I was trying to emphasize on that word.

Oh well. I guess if it bothers me too much, I will remove that thing. For now, I shall just leave it there.

On another topic, I don't know if I am the only weird one around here but almost everyone seem to be using the 'Why so serious?' line after watching The Dark Knight and I find it absolutely annoying. I'm weird like that. So please be extra careful as not to use the line in front of me because I cannot promise you that I will stop myself from throwing a punch in your face. =p

P.S As for the title, it simply shows that I am not creative of thinking of a proper title and I was thinking so hard of what to type so what else can be easier than to declare to the whole world that I have no creativity at all.

Last night as I was driving to church for the worship practice, I obediently stopped when the traffic light was red. You know sometimes you will tend to look around you when you're at a stop right? So that was what I did. I turned to my left and saw a van of security guards inside smiling at me. Problem is, I could not determine if the smile was perverted or a friendly one.
I wasn't wearing anything revealing, I was just singing along to Avril Lavigne's 'I'm With You' when I turned to look at them (without realizing that I was mouthing the lyrics). So prolly they thought I was crazy talking to myself or something. Whatever it was, if it was a friendly smile, I should have smiled back right? All I did was look away instantly. (Haven't all of our mummies taught us not to layan strangers? =p) I'm so sucky at differentiating the types of smiles one can give in a situation like this. Sigh.

What would you do?


khailee said...

very creative way of pulling out all those keywords florence ;p

Florence said...

haha.. I was just talking about my lack of creativity. thanks anyway khailee =)

aman23 said...

yes.. 'why so serious' has to be the most irritating and overused one-liner ever. almost EVERYONE put it in their PM after watching the movie!! and people keep saying it out of context too. super annoying!

Florence said...

yes! finally someone who agrees with me. hahah!