Sunday, October 11, 2009

How to discipline a child?

Today's lunch was spent with Pastor Mark and Aunty Rose. :)
After landing our buttocks on the seats in the Yong Tau Foo restaurant which Daddy promptly decided to go to, we only found out then that Ps Mark does not really fancy Yong Tau Foo. Oops. That aside, it was still a good time of fellowship.

On another note, I went to Summit with my sister and mummy because the older one wanted to get more clothes which serves as her working attire. As we were walking around in the shops, suddenly I heard a loud voice shouting so loud that I'm pretty sure the people in the shops surrounding the scene were able to hear it.

Naturally, (note that I used the word naturally instead of 'kepoh') we turned our heads to have a look at what's all that fuss about.

Okay, so I don't know what really happened. But from what we saw, the loud voice came from a mother yelling at her son who is probably around 7-8 years old. I think I even saw her dragging the son for a bit.

I just find the whole scene so disturbing. The mother was literally yelling like a maniac. I would excuse someone for yelling like that only when that person is being assaulted, which in this case was obviously not happening. Oh, and the worse part was right after the mother had her fit, she stormed off the place leaving the kid behind. Then, the shop owner had to console the kid while making a phone call. (I cannot understand the whole scene entirely but this is based on what I saw)

I may not be a parent yet but I definitely think that no matter how bad your kid is misbehaving, you should settle it at home and not yell at the poor boy in public. That will just result in pure embarrassment for both the mother and son. Common sense right?

I will not be surprised if the kid grows up having a grudge against his own mother or worse still, treat his future kids the same way like how he was treated before.

Sad! Although I've had my fair share of experiencing the strokes of canes (I don't remember being a rebellious child hahah), it was never done in public. I am glad that I'm not scarred with a memory like that poor boy. Hopefully, he will forget about this incident someday.

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