Monday, August 11, 2008


I am relieved now that everything is over. Not settled but over. At least the truth has come out albeit the sense of guilt is non-existent. Pissed? Yes. But seriously, whatever man. I have nothing to do with 'this' anymore and I am extremely glad. I am also positive many others feel the same way.

I'm sorry to those of you who do not understand what I just said.
Still, maklumlah siapa makan cili, dia yang terasa pedasnya.

Moving on to a happier note, I think I might be going to watch the High School Musical ice tour this Friday for FOC. =p
Don't get me wrong. I'm not a fan, but just go only lah. Okay, I lied. I've watched both the HSM...but that still doesn't make me a fan. Heheh. I mean who doesn't like free stuff right?

Hahah, I hope this show isn't too young for me since I am hitting the big two-oh soon. Next thing I do not want to see is myself being surrounded by a bunch of kids or tweens singing along to every tune.

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