All of them running to enter into the house. [Yes, those are disposable panties on their heads!]
After the tea ceremony.
My sisters.
Colourful dresses.
All of them running to enter into the house. [Yes, those are disposable panties on their heads!]
After the tea ceremony.
My sisters.
Colourful dresses.
Then at night we went over to the bride's house for dinner and took pics again. Hahahaha..
The next day was the 'zhip san leong' [picking up bride] day. We were at the bride's house quite early so we went to kacau her, her mother and father for a bit while waiting for the bridegroom to arrive.
When the man finally arrived, the bridesmaid and her friends all played out the bridegroom for the longest record I've ever seen. 45minutes man! Beat that. They asked him to perform all sorts of tasks such as yoga, create and recite a poem, pull a strand of hair from any part of his body [cos he's bald], smell and detect which is the bride's favourite perfume scent, waxing his legs [!] and many more. Honestly, if I was the bridegroom I would have just barged into the house. Lol. He did admit that his patience was running thin though.
[I just realized Blogspot's giving me a hard time uploading pics so I'll post it in another post.That's not gonna stop me from uploading it. Lol.]
By the way, at this point I finally realized the existence of the Temerloh uncle's children and thought that one of them was cute too. Haha..[What are you thinking, Florence!!? He's related to you..!!]
Next it was dinner time. Honestly speaking, my cousins and I expected it to be held in some hotel ballroom. We were so wrong. When we got out of the car, we thought 'oh, is this it?' ..Not that the food was bad but I think we were 'overdressed'..Well, they say if the hotel is nice and all, the food won't taste as good..so I guess this is like the other way round..Lol..Yeah, so after we finished eating like pigs and the yum seng session, we headed back to our grandauntie's home again to erm, just lepak there. Cos the adults wanted to chit chat some more.
Okay la, this should be everything. Nothing else which I can remember.
Oh, and all the not so close cousins have really grown up man. Wonder if I did as well or I still look as childish. Heehee...=)
Wah, look at that. Handprint kao kao. Damn serious right.
Don't ask why got water. After showering la then.
Who said girls don't fight? Especially being around a hooligan like her, it's hard not to argue with her. Oh, and the reason I'm typing this the next day after it happened is to prevent me from cussing all over this entry.
On a happier note, I went out with Amanda today to Pyramid to get over the trauma just lepak/catch up with each other and watched Death Note. The story line was not bad, only thing the ending sucked. Guess there's gonna be a part two. Amanda & I. She's really one of a kind. Rich yet humble, I like! =) We can never run out of things to talk about eventhough we haven't seen each other for months and I really feel comfortable being with her cos she always laughs at the lamest jokes I make.
P/S: I wore my skirt out today so it wasn't scarred like what I mentioned. Hehe..
Jeng jeng jeng..This is how he looks like =) Man, look at that mischievous smile of his!