Monday, May 19, 2008

Time for an update.

It's a public holiday and yet I'm working.

At times of desperation when you're in need of money, I'm sure you will also do the same.
Be a slave on a public holiday, I mean. Who opens their shop on a public holiday man? The whole street here is like deadville. Parking lots were so empty when I arrived here this morning approximately half an hour late because stupid car keys failed me. The batteries died. Thank God for mum's car so I drove hers instead. By the way, parents are away at Kota Kinabalu for their anniversary =)

My dad's so funny. My siblings and I were at church when I got this text which read,
"Hey, we hv just landed in kk!"
Lol. He sounded like a small boy to me.

I realized my entries lately were mostly about work. Yeah, other than work, I'll be busy with cheer. That explains the lack of updates.

Anyway, since my life revolves around work lately, here's something funny to share with you guys.

Imagine this scenario when I'm in my boss's office when she's busy texting/dialing while talking to me.
Scene One
Her: Eh, you know where's the what ar?
Me: What?

Scene Two
Her: Eh, this who paid already ar?
Me: Who?

Seriously, she thinks I'm some kind of goddess who can read her mind is it? And bear in mind, that happens quite frequently. I will have to control myself from showing that I am actually quite annoyed.

Another funny incident was during cheer practice when I fell from a stunt and landed on my butt and it hurt quite a bit. Instead of getting sympathy from my friends, Mr Charm-Man just had to poke fun of me. [It's like his daily dose. Haha. You better stop it already if you're reading this!]

Charm-Man: Are you okay?
Me: Yeah, I'm fine. Quite painful lah.
Charm-Man: Eh your butt so big...How come you didn't bounce back up when you fell just now?
Me: *rolls eyes until it got stuck*
And that my friends, is the lamest statement of the week.

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