Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas!
The day Jesus Christ was born since ages ago. He's not that lil baby anymore now. He has resurrected from the grave and He's up there keeping an eye on us everyday.
Thank You Lord for the salvation and the price you paid for bearing my sins.
Once again, Merry Christmas to all of you! Let us remember the real reason why we're celebrating Christmas..=)
Monday, December 18, 2006
Bangkok. Totally awesome.
The day started when we had to get up really early cos our flight was at 7a.m. We departed from the LCCT. [Low Cost Carrier Terminal] Amazingly, my family wasn't the latest to arrive. Hehe. Super proud of it. Cos of the fact that almost everytime we're the last to arrive. The rest who came along with us are our relatives. That's a total of 17 altogether including me. Okay, that aside, we then proceeded to those getting our flight tickets, checking in luggages and passport checking thing.
We were transported by AirAsia. Cheap ma. =) It was my first time flying with AirAsia. My feedback about AirAsia would be just one word. SQUEEZY. Then again, the flight was only about an hour plus long so there isn't really much to complain about. BUT the food and drinks were so expensive! They were even selling their own souvenirs on the plane. LAME! Who would actually spend their cash on this?
Their expensive souvenirs. And that's May Vern my cousin wondering what am I doing.
F.Y.I, did you know that Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok actually has a time difference? Bangkok is one hour behind us. Don't start calling me dumb or whatsoever cos I asked my cousins about this and they didn't know it too. And don't start saying 'it' runs in the family. Whatever, at least I know it now. Lol.
So the first day we didn't actually do much. When we landed, we checked into a hotel called Ibis. 3star only but the room was quite nice. Only thing I didn't like about it is the location. So far away from all those shopping spots. Anyway, as soon as we put down our luggages in our rooms, we headed straight for lunch at Siam Central. Ate at some food court and you know those people working there who clear the tables? Yeah, they are so nice that they will help you carry your food to your table after you have ordered. I don't think you can find these kinda people here in Malaysia. Siam Central's toilets are superb. They keep it so clean unlike here and there's even a plasma TV inside!
Cousins and I having our lunch at the food court. I had beef tendon noodles!
We went to the Chao Praya River boat trip. A waste of time and the result you get is just you getting more tanned. I'd like to think of myself as tanned sexy and not dark tanned, thank you very much. Besides sight seeing those temples and 5star hotels by the river, we got to see old ang mohs with their escorts. Some even being escorted by their own kind, men. Ugh. The feeling of disgust just overwhelms me each time I think about it.
Us in front of our hotel.
3 blind mice..3 blind mice..See how they smile..
Haha..I'm so dark you can barely see me =p
The boat trip was quite a waste of time. Could have spent more time on shopping! [Explains why we were more interested in taking pics rather than looking around]
However, we did do a lil shopping at night at this place called Suan Lam Night Bazaar. The time which were given to us by my uncle was obviously insufficient so I ended up only buying one t-shirt. The rest of the time we were just walking and looking at stuffs. My cousins and sisters bought more though.
We got to most of our destinations by walking. Yeah, walking and also taking the MRT la. It's so tiring I tell you. When you try to walk and look at stuff and you're rushing for time, it's really not an easy thing to do. My feet was killing me on the first day. So on the 2nd day, I wore those Crocs I got from KennySia. Yeah, I can't believe I wore them out too. Lol. We spent almost the whole of our 2nd day at Chatuchak Market. That place is so freakin' huge man. But I enjoyed spending there the most cos it was nice to shop there la duh.
We needed this chips to sensor the gate to get across in order to take the train. Jakunfied.
Suddenly acting like daddy's girl.
That's mum trying to do pole dancing. Which she obviously failed.
If you look closely at our eyes, we actually look like Ju-Ons.
Very semangated early in the morning cos we were going to Chatuchak Market.
HOHOHO. My Crocs are pink!
Enjoying our strawberry and kiwi shakes on a hot day. Psssstt!
These noodles taste so unique! It's actually nice. Costs only 20 baht[RM2]! But the portion was quite little. Or maybe cos I was hungry? And yes, the soup is pink in colour!
Retro is the in thang now. Lol.
Goodbye Bangkok...
Overall, the whole trip was fun. The thing which excites me is the fact that I saw a couple of stuffs with cheap prices you won't get to see here. But then the only thing I wasn't satisfied about was the lack of time we had. There are so many other things I wanted to get..
Oh, and about why I am NOT good at haggling: I was looking at some accessory [body glitter stuff la]at some stall and wanted to buy it. It was 30 baht. That means RM3. I don't know why I even attempted to haggle also since it's already so cheap. Probably because we were haggling each time we bought something so it sort of became a habit. Hehe..
Me: How much?
The seller: 30baht.
Me: 20 baht okay?
The seller: No, 30baht. Very cheap.
Me: No, 20 baht.
The seller: NO cannot, 30baht.
Me: Okay. Gimme one.
I am so good at this you should ask me how I do it know I suck at it. Haha....
Saturday, December 09, 2006
More pictures!

Ashley painting the old lady's nails orange. How cool is that!
We even had some games during the workshop at night.
Group pic!!!
I didn't bring the camera to the orphanage [Rumah Hope] because Fiona brought it to her workplace. But I'll try getting them soon from Jojo. The kids there are so cute I tell you. Some were so cute they started to annoy me at a point. Sheesh.Brodie and us. He made us do that. Seriously.
Eric and us. He's one shy dude.
I'll continue with Saturday and Sunday on the next post. Blogspot doesn't allow me to upload anymore pics =( Anyways, I am so gonna miss them when they go back to Aussie. Not like I'm very close to them but it's really fun having them around. Really. Pass me some tissues, please.
P/S: Aussie aussie aussie! Oi oi oi! =p
Friday, December 08, 2006
Went to the old folks home in Damansara Perdana today. Had fun worshipping in Hokkien. Lol. I can now speak a few words of Hokkien. Hahaha..My Hainanese also havent 'kao tim' wanna try Hokkien pulak.
My sis, Fiona and I were talking in the kitchen while I was making myself a cup of Milo..Cos I was crazily singing the Hokkien song to myself.
Fio: I don't see you acting like that in front of them just now. [Them referring to the Planetshakers]
Me: Cos they can really make me noob ma. I don't know how to act.
These guai los have the ability to make me speechless. I'm always tongue-tied. It's either cos of my lack of confidence speaking to them or their charming good looks just stuns me. Hahaha..Life is not always about good looks. Okay, I know.
Gotta catch the re-run of The Amazing Race Asia since I was at church just now. After that, I'm just gonna throw myself onto the bed and relax myself after the oh-so-tiring day.
Pictures will be up soon! Even if you don't wanna see my face, haha..too bad!
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
If you realized, the title of my previous entry was Mr Incredible. And now it's Superman.
Nah, it's not that I've fallen in love with superheroes la. They're just very entertaining to watch cos it makes you wonder about a lot of things.
Things such as:-
1. Why can't anyone notice that Clark Kent IS Superman? Doesn't take a genius to figure that out, does it?
2. Why did Superman find out that he actually has a son only at the last part? [Has he forgotten what he did to Lois Lane?]
3. Can he breathe in that TIGHT suit?
4. How come his hair stays so neat after all those saving the world action?
Anyways, a few days ago, I went to the cinema with my friend wanting to watch Happy Feet. Turned out that the tickets were sold out. But I insisted that we still catch another movie since we were already there. So we ended up buying tickets for a movie we had no idea what was it about. The title was 'Waiting'.
When we entered the cinema, there were very few humans inside.
So I was like, 'Er, if this movie is not good ur gonna get it.' Since SY was the one who chose it. I even asked if he was sure it was in English and that made him panicked a bit. Haha.
Then it started and familiar faces like Anna Faris and Justin Long appeared on the big screen. Ok la, maybe it wont be too bad after all.
In conclusion, this show quite 'fai'/crappy. Crappy not as in lousy but crappy crappy. Hehe..It's about this restaurant called Shenanigan with teens working there. So, they came up with a game to do with penises. Like some guy has to show his batang when nobody is aware and when somebody accidentally looks at it, he gets kick in the arse and is called gay. Different positions rewards you with different amount of kicks. It's quite funny la. And disgusting...Cos there was this really fussy lady fussing over her meals and the rest is history. You won't wanna know what they did to her plate behind in the kitchen. Eeeww. Makes me wonder if it really happens in real life. You might never know.
Moral of the story: Don't be a biatch towards the one taking your meal orders cos you might end up tasting extra
Friday, December 01, 2006
Mr Incredible.
Before I left church, Fiona's sms beeped my phone ordering me to buy bread home, as instructed by mom.
So I had to head over to 7-11 to get the bread. After paying for it, I went back to the car.
Here comes the 'fun' part.
I grabbed hold of the door. I lifted it up [I admit I didn't do it gently, BUT not roughly either]. Just the normal strength anybody will use to open a car door.
Then the car handle came off. Yes, it literally came off. I was like wth. Grabbing the handle, I hurriedly went into the car and left. I saw 2 malay guys sitting at the staircase enjoying their Ramli burgers staring at me from the corner of my eyes. Malu like anything. Sheesh.
Who actually opens the car door so 'si man' la.
Thinking back now, the incident reminded myself having a slight resemblance as Mr Incredible.