You Have No Idea.
For everybody who has nothing better to do, this is the place for you.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
I gotta feeling...
And hopefully, an exciting one! :D
Are you trying to guess what it is already? (some of you might already know)
Stay tuned for more details. *hinthint*
Can't wait. I shan't be late. Goodnight world. :D
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Wow. I'm surprised at myself for even attempting to log in to Blogger and clicking the New Post tab.
My lack of interest in this blog is somehow worrying me. Okay, probably worrying is not the right word to use since I am not really bothered to update it as much as I used to.
I went through a series of unfortunate events this week, was overcome with thoughts of confusion/stress, but things might just turn around.
I should always look at the glass half full, and not half empty. I should really just try not to think too much, but look at things from a simpler view.
I should...but can I?
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
First time experience.
We were super jakun la. See, the seats are huge and so so comfortable!! Can incline/recline, food & beverages were on the house because the whole cinema was booked that night.
Then obviously we needed to make good use out of it right. So the list of food we ordered were popcorn, 1901 hotdogs, KitKat, meatballs, nuggets, ice blended mocha & cappucino (extremely yums!!). Heh. Okay, before you judge, that was our dinner okay. So, the food intake is pretty acceptable ya? LOL.
Felt so pampered =)
Moving on, my sister and I have brought out our businesswoman skills by setting up a blogshop. So, do drop by, browse freely, and order whatever you want/would want to see in the future!
We are called...the...*jengjengjeng*...
Urban Stylistas!
HAHAHAHAHA. Yeah, couldn't come up with a better name so here's the link:
Spread the word! Thanks y'all!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Celebrity (well, kinda) Crush.

Honestly, it is not very often I go gaga over Asian guys. He is an exception. WoOoOoo *melts again*.
Okay, I should stop acting like a high school kid.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Bitter Sweet.

Thursday, August 05, 2010
Sign of aging.
I had a couple of funny (weird?) encounters I faced which I feel I should share with you all.
One young lady from the HR department once came over to us interns, said hello and introduced herself and vice-versa. Shortly after that, she admitted that she thought I and the other intern (who's one year older than I am) were permanent employees in the firm. We ended up laughing but I actually forced a laughter.
Okay...this is not a good sign. I'm old.
"Nevermind", I thought to myself. She's just crapping. Ignore.
Then today, my friends and I went downstairs to buy karipap from the very famous uncle who comes to the office twice weekly. In the midst of waiting, we made friends with a couple of guys from another department and started to chat.
Until, one of them said, "Oh, you're an intern? Really? I thought you're a permanent staff"'.
TWICE. That's the amount of times people have mistaken me for a permanent staff.
I tried comforting myself by talking to my intern friend (who by the way, also got mistaken like me).
"Eh, they don't mean it that way right?? Maybe it's the way I dress. Professional, right? *hopeful*"
"No, face it. You're old.."
"Oh wait! It's're old...or..."
*Eyes lit up again*
"...oh there's nothing else. You're old"
P.S The karipap Uncle decided to ffk us all and did not show up.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
I'm alive!
Time really flies because I'm already about to finish the second month of my internship. This blog has been neglected because when your daily life revolves around the same routine, there really isn't much to blog about you see.
Facebook is banned in the office so when things get boring, my only source of entertainment is the other two interns. One of whom I thought was really weird when I first met him. Hahaha. He knows about this though, because I already told him lol. Shows how much we've bonded during this period until I can tell that to his face. Hah.
My managers are also pretty cool people. They brought us to many places around KL to makan-makan which is awesome :)
Sure, there might be days when things can get real stressful but I guess this is all part of the learning process.
I've learnt a lot and finally know what it feels like to work in a 9-5 job. I've also mastered a number of skills including the very important skill of pushing & squeezing through the sardine-packed crowd into the train. HAHA. There is no such thing as being polite if you wanna get on board.
Oh! I'm turning 22 soon. NOOOOOO! Am I old or what!? :(
Catch up soon, hopefully! Have a good week people. Cheers! :)