Thursday, March 18, 2010

What a day.

Hello! It's been awhile huh...

I just find it so difficult to blog nowadays lah, so please excuse me.

Okay, if you don't already know, getting a parking spot in SEGi College SJ is like winning the jackpot. Alright, slight exaggeration there but you know what I mean. There are only three floors of parking lot to accomodate everybody in the building.

As I was running pretty late, I circled and circled the whole three floors for about three rounds but to no avail. So I had to do what everybody did. Double-park. I absolutely discourage double parking but I really had no choice so I chose the closest car to the pillar and blocked it. I then left my number on the windscreen and hurried to class.

After I entered the class no more than 5 minutes, my handphone rang. Yes, it was the driver whom I blocked sounding very pissed and impatient on the other side of the line saying, 'Can you move your car?' in a rude tone.

I dashed out of the classroom and went all the way down again (my class was at the 8th floor!) to find an angry person waiting for me. When I looked at that person properly, I was so embarrassed...he was my ex-lecturer. Obviously I had to say sorry lah. And as if I haven't attended enough of his lectures, he literally lectured me again on being a responsible driver.

I told my friends about this incident and they laughed. :( But in my defense, one of my friend mentioned that he shouldn't have parked there either because lecturers have their own floor of parking lots. Also, everybody in college is double-parking because that's just how congested it is! And it's not like I left the car without leaving my number. Sheesh.

Lesson learnt:
1. Pray, pray, pray! (I totally forgot the power of prayer)
2. Recognise his car and never park behind him again.

Oh, and since we're at the topic of driving, here's a funny video to make your day :)


Unknown said...

What's his car ar???

I thought he was a biker...

Florence said...

White Iswara.

Yeah, he should have rode on his bike right! lol :)