I guess the title probably caught your attention huh? Okay, let me just introduce you to what Modelle is all about before I continue further. Modelle basically means model in French and it is a magazine which primarily focuses on fashion and lifestyle. Apart from that, a modelling competition called Beauty 50 will be ongoing at the same time. Yeap, it's all happening in print which also mean that this competition is not your typical reality series or whatsoever.
So what exactly is the purpose of this competition?
"Created with 2 aims in mind - to pave way for fresh and undiscovered next door beauties to become Malaysia's next top models and also give to commercial faces a run off their money in modelling industry, this contest will see 50 inexperienced girls transformed from mere and unnoticed girl-next-door into glamorous future faces of fashion."
Here's the hilarious part. Are you ready for it?
Yes, you've probably guessed it. Yours truly is one of the 50 girls. I'm giving you 30 seconds to laugh all you want.
Okay, you may stop laughing now.
No, seriously. Stop.
I know right? It's so unbelievable. Who would have thought that I would get myself into this? It was all such a spontaneous thing. I came across this page and then I just submitted my entry right there and then. That very day itself, Sabrina called me up to ask me to go for a short interview (but I ended up fixing an appointment on the next day because I was actually sleeping when she called me HAHAHA) and it all started from there.
Anyway, I already went for my first ever photoshoot sometime during August and my theme was Greeco-Roman. The location was at Gua Damai (a spot catered for rock climbers), Batu Caves. The shoot took the entire day. When I say the entire day, I actually mean from sunrise to sunset! Most of the time taken was waiting for the other girls to finish their shoot.
Wanna see the pictures on set? I didn't bring my own camera that day so I am gonna steal some pictures from the other girls' FB and post it here. Hehehe. *Thanks girls!*

We were the first batch for the shoot on the first day for the whole of Beauty 50. Geddit? Hehe.
On the way home after an exhausting day.

Despite the long wait, it was an extremely great experience (and hopefully more to come!). I'm crossing my fingers that the pictures will turn out good.
*Turns on shameless mode* The magazine's inaugural issue is set to launch on the first week of October so get your copies and please vote for me! :)
Why do you think I need to blog about this if it's not a voting-based competition? This competition will be ongoing for about six months and each month a bunch of girls will get eliminated until someone wins the title of Modelle's People Choice Model.
My stay in this competition depends on you all! :) *Turns off shameless mode*