Friday, June 26, 2009

Awesome Creator.

I have a little testimony to share with you all today. 'Freshly baked' as it happened only an hour ago. :)

This morning, Fu Hun and I made plans to hit the gym early in the morning before he left for Penang cos he claims he'll be eating a lot there. Before I was about to leave the house, I suddenly got a text from him saying he can't go cos something came up.

Then, I got quite mad and texted him back about how I was already set to go.

After a few texts, we decided to go on with the plan.

The weather looked perfect. Bright and sunny. Note that normally before I leave the house I would throw the house keys back inside because the older sister is still in the house sleeping. (Also because we didn't have any spare keys. Grr) Somehow, I took the keys along with me today because I thought by the time I came home, the older one would probably still be sleeping.

To cut the story short, it started pouring heavily (and I mean real heavy with thunders) while I was at the gym. We were almost done working out by then. I started panicking because all the clothes were nicely hung outside at the porch before I left. Note that all these panic attacks only happen after the maid has gone home because we have nobody to rely on.

We left hurriedly and then I told my friend about the clothes left outside and kept worrying. At the back of my mind, I could already hear mum's voice yelling and nagging.

I told Fu Hun, 'maybe it hasn't started raining at my place' feeling hopeful to comfort myself. He gave me the 'no way/are you kidding me' look.

When I drove back, I kept praying and speaking to God about how He can and should help me stop the rain. I was reminded of last week's speaker preaching about how He is able to make it rain after many days of drought. If He can make it rain, He can definitely make it stop.

True enough when I reached home, it didn't rain at all and the clothes were still dry.

God is amazing and can work wonders! I'm amazed.

P.S I was right. The older one was still asleep. Haha.

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