Hey all!
As you can see, haven't been updating lately due to the upcoming exams. Actually not really la, just lazy to update.
So anyways, I turned 19 twelve days ago. And to all the busybodies who wanna know what it was like, here goes:
Amanda & Wei Kit called me out for tea so we went to that Old Town Kopitiam shop in Taipan.
Wei Kit home baked a cake for me. So sweet. =) It was a chocolate cheese cake.
Tried lighting up the candles but failed because the wind kept blowing in our direction so I had to pretend to blow the invisible fire. How entertaining. =p
Nevertheless, thanks to the both of you for spending time with me.

The Form Six gang threw me a surprise. Not a surprise party, but a surprise bash. How fun. Actually, I kinda suspected something fishy was gonna happen but I just kept it to myself because I didn't wanna syok-sendiri and they might suddenly say 'who so free wanna bash you' so I just shut up and saved myself from the embarrassment.
But I knew I should have trusted my instinct when they said they could fetch me home after the konon group studying. Wah, I tell you the way they grabbed and put me into the car, it was like being abducted. No joke. They even blindfolded me. Lucky they didn't stuff anything in my mouth or else I would have screamed like your annoying neighbour next door.
To cut the story short, I was bashed with some really icky, yucky, disgusting, gross, [insert whatever yucky term you can think of here] mixture. I found out that those inhumane peeps mixed flour, barbeque sauce, chicken stock, (eggs?) and so on. I was surprised myself that I didn't puke on the spot. One friend even offered me water to wash off everything but then I later found out that it was actually sugar solution! Shut up, I ain't no bimbo. It was because I was already covered with those sticky stuff that's why I couldn't tell the difference.
Took me about an hour in the bathroom to get the smell off. Even after 4 attempts of washing my hair, the smell was somehow still there.
Went to Asia Cafe at night and got a nice sounding from Dad for coming back at 1.
1 only ok! Sigh. Don't wanna further elaborate about this.

Thanks guys for coming out and celebrating with me although you all can get evil at times. =)

My gift from mom is on my foot. The sampat poh beside me syok sendiri and wanted to try it on also.

Gift from dad is dinner at Italiannies.

Lastly, just wanna say a big thank you to all of you who wished and for your presents. Really appreciate both your presents and presence on that day! *hugs*