Hey guys! I figured that I should blog about this trip ASAP before the lazy bug kicks in and I'll probably forget to blog. So while I'm still in the mood..here goes.. Oh, FYI, the trip lasted 6D/5N so there's truckloads of pictures!! Which makes it all the more difficult to choose and post.
Day One! (5th Feb, Friday)
On the night before the trip, I was contemplating if I should get a shut eye or not because Dad warned us that we should be out of the house at 2:45AM. And I was still up at about 1:00AM, so I quickly shut the laptop and forced myself to sleep for a bit.
Since the whole family was going for the trip, we didn't have transport to the airport, so the plan was to drive down to my cousin's house in PJ, then he would drive us down to KL Sentral and thereafter we would take the shuttle bus to LCCT.

It was too early!! This is my messy, morning look.
Hello Hainan!

We travelled in this vehicle which could fit 18 people comfortably. It was too small to be a bus, too big to be a van. It's like a mini bus/big van. Not sure what you call it.
What better way to welcome ourselves to Hainan Island than to taste it for ourselves? Haha. So the first stop was at this place which is famous for the LongQuan WenChang Chicken.
Walking down to the crater.
Temperature was so much cooler down there.
Oink! Many, many pigs behind! Imagine how many bak kut tehs are there on that truck?
Ended the night by going for a show titled Impression Hainan which was really one of a kind. The visual effects were amazing. Duh, since this show is directed by the famous dude who is responsible for the equally amazing effects in the Beijing Olympics.
Yes, among the things you get to see are guys and girls in swimwear. And yes, there were that many performers.
Closer view. Guys, don't drool.
This picture cracked my whole family up upon closer inspection. I think you need to have really sharp eyes to realise what we were laughing about.
Day Two! (6th Feb, Sat)
Visited Wenchang Confucius Temple. Click to read more about this place.

The well which was 6m deep. My uncles, mom and cousin were surprisingly 'adventurous' to drink the water fetched straight from the well. Nothing adventurous about that huh? Let me tell you there was a living fish inside! The purpose of the fish is to show you how clean the water is, and if the fish is dead, that means it's polluted. Dead fish or not, I think the water is already polluted. Go figure! Haha.

Statue of the famous Chinese confused man philosopher, Confucius.
Such an awesome place to camwhore. Heh, so you'll have to excuse me for the following pictures.
Saw a lovely couple taking their wedding photographs there. Proves my point that the place is photogenic right. Can a place be categorised as photogenic? Hehe.

Then, it was time for lunch..Guess what we had this time?
Chicken again! Hahah.
It was then time to visit the villages. We made two stops, one in my aunty's grandparent's house, and the other in my grandaunt's house. My family tree makes me confused, seriously! I think I need to start a 'Family Tree File' for future referencing.
First stop...

Group picture at first village.
We were already pretty 'wowed' with the first village, but my uncle told us to anticipate a better impression of the second village.
Picture of my great grandparents inside the house.
We were welcomed with coconuts. :)
Birthday paus!

This picture is such a heartwarming picture. The son, my uncle (father's cousin), organised this birthday bash for his mother because it was her 91st birthday!
After the birthday song-cake cutting, serving tea-get angpau session, we were brought around the village to have a look at other people's houses and we stopped at a spot to see this...

My great, great, great grandfather's tomb.

Look at the trail we had to go through. No wonder I got those insect bites :(
Firecrackers are easily accessible in China. The neighbours brought firecrackers as birthday gifts! LOL.
How the food was cooked.
The tables were laid outside the house.
We had about 14 dishes per table. It was so filling, we couldn't finish everything.

Cute kid!!

Group picture at second village.
Phew, this entry took me so long to complete and I'm only at Day Two. Okay, time to catch Glee hehe :)

Goodnight world :)