Christmas this year was different. I didn't get to spend it with my cousins and relatives like how we always do because this year, there was a harvest party at one of the church member's house.
It's so difficult trying to fix a time where all the cousins get to hang out together because everybody has their own plans, some will be flying overseas soon, dates clashing and what not. I miss the old times :(
It's so difficult trying to fix a time where all the cousins get to hang out together because everybody has their own plans, some will be flying overseas soon, dates clashing and what not. I miss the old times :(
So anyway, we had our Christmas service on Christmas Eve at the Sime Darby Convention Centre this year and it was pretty awesome I must say. Many performances were presented to keep us entertained, and I was especially amused by the Africans who belted out many catchy tunes. They were totally amazing!
Mamak session after the service.
Pictures below are taken on Christmas day in no particular order because Blogger is being stupid and it's so difficult to arrange the pictures.
Too many cute kids that night! Plus they love the camera more than I do, so why not take the advantage and pose with them? Hehe.
See what I mean!

PS. Sorority Life on FB has the funniest quotes. I was picking my fortune cookie and it read, 'Laugh: the world laughs with you, Cry: your mascara runs'. Funny or what!